This Blueprint Helped Me Acquire 25 Rental Properties In Just 5 Years & Is Extremely Pivotable To Jump Start Your Real Estate Journey


What Will You Be Learning In The Leave Your Legacy 
Real Estate Academy
"Flips To Rentals Accelerator"

Fund, Find, Fix & Finish Your Next Property

Consistent Cash Flow And Passive Income

Exit Strategies & Growing In Real Estate


  • How To Confidently Analyze Any Deal
  • How To Purchase Auction Properties Under $30,000
  • How To Invest In Multi-Family Real Estate
  • How To Develop A Rehab Budget & Locate Contractors
  • How To Utilize The BRRRR Method 
  • How To Close Your First Real Estate Deal

"I’m going to show you how to get out of the rat race & play the wealth creation game the way it's meant to be played."

I’m going to show you how to get out of the rat race & play the wealth creation game the way it's meant to be played.

- LAMON LASHLEY JR, Leave Your Legacy LLC
Leave Your Legacy LLC


Lamon Lashley Jr.

Lamon, is a Real Estate Investor, Serial Entrepreneur & Family Man. Also a Mindset & Financial Literacy Coach, who's passionate about teaching others how to accelerate achieving their goals by building generational wealth through Real Estate, Credit & Business.

Lamon's current real estate portfolio is worth an estimated 3 million dollars and by the end of the year he’ll be adding 10 new units to the portfolio and another million in valuation.

"I’ve built a Massive 7 Figure Real Estate Portfolio with over 25 Rental Properties in Chicago, IL in 5 years with the help of my own mentor and partner Lashaun R. Lashley Sr. Overall I'm truly beyond blessed having so much success that hard work and dedication helped me acquire🍾🎉…

….Not only that, but I Bought one of my dream cars & Made my first Million Dollars in Business. I had no prior knowledge about credit, business , nor real estate investing . This blueprint has changed my life ‼️ All from just being consistent, disciplined and dedicated to investing in myself everyday."

Lamon has spent the last 5 years learning everything there is to know about building wealth through real estate, construction & businesses. His biggest desire and focus this year is to continue to build his portfolio while helping achieve the exact same success.

Follow on Instagram @LamonJr

what to expect in the ACADEMY

Finding, Analyzing & Closing Your Deal

  • Evalutate & Profit From A Fix & Flip Or Buy & Holding Investing
  • Introduction To Land Bank Properties
  • Full Access To Traditional Financing & Hard Money Lenders
  • How To Confidently Fund, Find, Fix & Finish Your Real Estate Deal

Building A Solid Construction Team

  • Where To Locate Reliable Contractors In Any State
  • Learn How To Calculate Construction Cost Estimates
  • The Rehab Process From Start To Finish 
  • ​Learn How To Become A General Contractor

Choosing Tenants & Property Mangagment

  • How To Properly Screen Tenants
  • How To Qualify For Section 8 With Guaranteed Rents
  • How To Manage & Automate Your Rental Business
  • ​How To Maintenance Your Investment Properties

Protecting Your Assets

  • Wealthy Asset Protection Strategies
  • Proper Insurance Endorsements Add-Ons
  • Learn Tax Strategies & Operate Like The 1%
  • ​Setup A Trust For Maximum Protection


  • Intro To Short Term Rentals "AirBNB"
  • Remove Any Item Off Your Credit Report To Obtain A 750 Credit Score
  • Business Credit Strategies To Access $100,000+ In Funding
  • ​Access To All My Resources & Contacts 


90 Percent Of Millionaires Invest In Real Estate Utilizing These Same Strategies

My goal is to equip you with the knowledge and resources you'll need to build generational wealth for your family in record breaking time.


When you join The Real Estate Academy, you get ongoing access to the course. Because I am committed to a 100% success rate for my students, once you are pre-qualified (if your doing traditional financing), I take responsibility for your success as long as you show up and do the work, which means completing the course modules, analyzing deals, meeting people, visiting properties, and making offers.
Pre-qualifying means that you must obtain the credit score required by the FHA 3.5% down program (currently 660), be employed and earning 50% of AMI (Area Median Income), and demonstrate that you are saving 5% of your monthly income for your downpayment. So, if you are pre-qualified AND are consistently showing up and doing the work and have not been able to close on a property within the 2 years of coaching support, I will coach you beyond the 2 years to get you to closing. This is the best way that I can guarantee your success. I want to hold your hand until you cross the finish line.



  • The Complete Generational Wealth Playbook
  • Monthly Coaching Calls To Ensure Your Success
  • Exclusive Facebook Group With 24.7 Support
  • Join A Community Of Like Minded Investors Nationwide

NOW $2,497


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If I don’t have the funds but have the credit to be apart of the program is there a funding option ?
We work with a funding company that gets our students approved based on a few scenarios.
Upon completion of the program will I be able to do a real estate deal ?
We personally don’t make any guarantees on you closing a deal but we are 100% confident if you follow the steps, the resources & have a intense desire to apply the information by any means we believe you’ll close a deal in due time. ( this is all up to your ability to execute )
Will I get access to Lamon to look at my deals and answering my questions ?
Yes Lamon will be available on all coaching calls to answer your questions, offer strategy and review deals you’re working on.
I currently have 20+ units and I believe I’m some what advanced. Will this program still be able to help me?
Absolutely, the program is designed to help beginners and people who have 20+ units. Our strategies are geared to help you save money on every deal while increasing your profits. We also focus on showing you more ways to generate money in this industry. Lamon is approaching his 25th unit and is learning everyday so as he continues to learn so does all of his mentees.
I work a full time job will I still be able to build my portfolio?
Yes if you desire to put the work in it will work.
Do I need a job to purchase a 2-4 unit multifamily?
You don't need a job but it's recommended to have some form of income coming in. If you have 2 years work history with tax returns you can qualify for the FHA Program which is one of the most powerful programs that help secure a property with a minimum of 3.5% down along with closing cost so keep that in mind. You can also purchase properties with cash, credit cards and other sources of OPM "Other Peoples Money" as well so having a job is not mandatory. In Fact I started investing in real estate with no job!
Do I need to live in Chicago to participate in this program?
No. This is a virtual program. Any all mentorship sessions will also be recorded so you’ll always have access to the trainings.
How much money should I have to start, do you need a large amount of money?
The biggest mistake people do when it comes to real estate is to think that they need a big amount of money to start with. In reality, there are so many real estate strategies you can implement that require a much smaller investment than you think. From wholesaling to house flipping, you'll get to learn about those strategies inside the course! The course will teach you how to calculate exactly how much you need based on your personal situation but I recommend you to have 5.5% saved for the 3.5% down payment plus ~2% in closing costs if your using traditional financing. For multifamily properties it’s also recommended to have 3-6 months worth of mortgage payments in reserves for emergencies. Also you will learn creative strategies to obtain funding to levering credit to invest in real estate which helps tremendously.
Is this course friendly for beginners?
Even if you're clueless when it comes to real estate, this course will become your best friend, taking you by the hand, and explaining what you should do to acquire your first investment property. If you're a more experienced investor, you can find a lot of gems that will help you in your future investments!
Does this course prepare me to invest in any state or country?
Yes! The blueprint Lamon and the team teaches is relevant in any market. While every market is not ideal for investing in cashflowing property, you will understand how to identify which areas are hot, and which aren't, plus how to invest into markets you don't live in, regardless of your geographical location. And yes, if you're from outside the United States, you absolutely can invest in the US property market. We will show you how!
Can I buy property with no money?
There are 0% down programs but you still need steady income and some money saved.
How much time will it take me to become an expert investor?
The goal of this course is to teach you how to become a leader of a team who does the heavy lifting for you. From your Real Estate broker, project manager, property manager, to your legal team and accountant, you will learn how to spend the least amount of time without releasing all control.
Who do I talk to if I have questions?
You can always send me an email at or ask me on Instagram, or ask a peer in our Facebook Group.
Who is The Leave Your Legacy Real Estate Academy for?
The Real Estate Academy is for anyone who is looking to bring in another check into their household without taking another job. This course will outline the exact blueprint on how you can create passive income and truly build generational wealth. 
When can I see the results?
Results vary based on the work you put in. Most students can go from zero knowledge to owning a property in 3-6 months. All throughout the process I will be available to guide you.
What results should I expect from taking this course?
By Joining "The Leave Your Legacy Real Estate Academy" online course you will have all the knowledge that's needed to be successful in Real Estate investing so you can live the life you've always dreamed. You will know exactly which markets to invest into, and which properties are perfect for you depending on your goals.
Copyright © 2023 Leave Your Legacy LLC | All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: Sales results listed above or in my marketing material are not typical and are the result of hard work, training, experimenting and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as example.

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